Hannah Hichens Hannah Hichens


2024 - what a year! Big changes, growth and amazing opportunities. Onwards and up for 2025.

What a crazy year it’s been!! It’s hard to think that this time last year I was working a 9-5, five days a week, hating every minute.

There were so many struggles that came with going back to work after maternity leave, but the main motivation to change things was the lack of flexibility when my little one was ill. I was using up all of my holiday to be there when he was poorly and I couldn’t bear the thought of missing out on all of the fun times I was going to have to work through. We went through all our finances and decided the best thing to do was to drop a few nursery days and for me to find work elsewhere.

The day I handed in my notice was absolutely terrifying. I’ve never left a job before not knowing where I was going to go next. Nothing could’ve prepared me for the adventure that lay ahead..

Ever since my little one was a few months old I had been curious about breastmilk jewellery, but I hadn’t found a company that felt right for me. So I set about working out how to do it myself and I never would’ve imagined it would lead me to where I am now.

Nine months into this journey and I have made countless beautiful pieces for beautiful mamas, I’ve learnt so much about running a business, the ins and outs of social media and setting up a website. I’ve learnt what not to do and how I can do things better - I know I’ve still got so much more to learn.

2024 has been a real year of growth, a real boost in confidence and a massive year of change for me and my family.

Thank you to every single one of you that placed an order last year. The trust and support you have shown my little business over this year means the absolute world.

Here’s to 2025 a year to solidify, grow and strengthen motherhood + memories to be the best it can be!

Hannah X

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Hannah Hichens Hannah Hichens

Breastmilk Jewellery - weird or wonderful

Are you on the fence or do you feel strongly in one direction? Breastmilk jewellery might not be for everyone but here are my thoughts on it.

Are you on the fence or do you feel strongly in one direction?

So as someone who makes breastmilk jewellery for a living you’d think I’ve always thought of it as a wonderful idea and a lovely thing to own, but you’d be wrong. Before having a child, and even for the first few months of his little life I was in the “it’s weird” camp. I’m not sure at what point my opinion changed but I’m so glad it did as it’s changed my life forever.

It’s easy to label it as strange but that’s because most people only see it at surface level. If you purchase a piece of breastmilk jewellery you will most likely have a whole lot of feelings associated with it, not only because of the milk it contains but the memories you associate with that time. There can be so many changes going on in your life during your time breastfeeding. If it’s your first, second or tenth child there’s still a whole lot of adjusting to do! It also isn’t always as straightforward as you first think it will be, tongue tie is far more common that people think and some babies may struggle to initially put on weight, all things that can leave you thinking your failing as a mother (you’re absolutely NOT failing!). The long nights can feel never ending as their little bellys need topping up constantly - but it gets easier. Then comes the time to stop breastfeeding and, whether it’s your decision or not, it can bring up a whole lot of unexpected emotions. All these things are often overlooked by those that label breastmilk jewellery as weird.

The jewellery I make is simple, elegant and subtle with beautiful milk stones to hold those memories you have created. If you’re on the fence about breastmilk jewellery just remember, you don’t have to tell people what the stone is made of and they will very rarely guess it’s breastmilk!

There will always be people that think its a strange thing to do and that’s okay. Breastmilk jewellery is a personal item, it’s made specifically for you so that you can hold onto all of those memories and keep your little ones close when they aren’t, and that’s what makes it so wonderful.

Hannah x

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